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Tags: Geoff Mangum  puttingzone  four skills of putting  4 skills of putting  aim  target  fall line  target line  start line  ruler  face  head  alignment  putter aim  

Geoff begins his discussion on the final skill, aiming.

From: Putting Secrets Revealed

In “Putting Secrets Revealed!” you’ll learn breakthrough putting techniques from the master himself. Filmed in Carlsbad, CA (golf manufacturing capital of the world), Geoff takes traditional putting and combines it with modern putting techniques that can turn an average putter into a “real closer” out on the course! Geoff teaches an integrated array of putting skills. The end result of his teachings are to make putting instinctive rather than a matter of problem-solving and rules-application. Geoff does this by training and coaching golfers to respect and enhance the natural processes of putting.

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