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Until now, these 5 Simple Keys have never been revealed together. Studying the game's greatest players in great detail has allowed us to conclude that using these 5 keys together is the most effective way to ensure a consistent, pure strike. The 5 simple keys are not only verifiable, but achievable by golfers of all levels, if they understand the fundamental movements and details behind each one. Once you learn these 5 simple keys, you'll notice the difference immediately! Once you master these 5 simple keys, you'll have consistent and pure ball striking!
From: Intro to Pure Strike: Five Simple Keys to Consistency eBook

Until now, these 5 Simple Keys have never been revealed together. Studying the game's greatest players in great detail has allowed us to conclude that using these 5 keys together is the most effective way to ensure a consistent, pure strike. The 5 simple keys are not only verifiable, but achievable by golfers of all levels, if they understand the fundamental movements and details behind each one. Once you learn these 5 simple keys, you'll notice the difference immediately! Once you master these 5 simple keys, you'll have consistent and pure ball striking!
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