Extension of the Target Line & Club Face Control
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Tags: webinar  chuck evans  2010  April  on plane  off plane  flashlight drill  drill  dowel  dowel drill  club shaft  clubshaft  plane  target line  impact  extensor  pivot  club face  clubface  face angle  angle  open face  curve  on plane  trajectory  slice  hinge club  push  slice  hook  fat shot  thin shot  left wrist  clubhead  club head  vision track  address  

Chuck Evans explains how to hit the ball straighter, farther, harder, and how to have total control of the club face.

From: Webinar Archive - Swingology: The Science of the Golf Swing

In this webinar, filmed live at the Emerald Bay Golf Club in Destin, Florida, Chuck Evans discusses Swingology, explaining the science of the golf swing in a way the average person can understand it. He demonstrates some of his favorite drills for improving your golf swing, and takes questions from his audience.


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