Ten Minutes to Tremendous Power eBook
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Tags: eBook  power  tremendous  power  exercise  

This e-book is filled with lessons and golf specific exercises that will add power to your golf swing!

From: Ten Minutes to Tremendous Power (Book)

This e-book is filled with lessons and golf specific exercises that will add power to your golf swing! What is the Tremendous Power program? It’s really based on two separate components: The first is a set of isolation and contraction exercises you can do at home using the Maximus Weighted Swing Trainer. These exercises will build your “speed muscles” and help add power to your golf swing, in just ten minutes every other day! The second is a set of warm-up and training routines on the range using the Maximus, the Medicus Dual Hinged trainer, and the Medicus Power Meter. These two trainers along with the Power Meter will get you fully warmed up, and will also reinforce the correct swing plane, tempo and timing, and build power for your swing. Golf can be an incredibly fun game, especially when you’ve got the power to pull out your short irons on those par 4’s and 5’s. Invest just ten minutes every other day, and start busting those drives for incredible distance!


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Ten Minutes to Tremendous Power eBook
From: Ten Minutes to Tremendous Power (Book)
This e-book is filled with lessons and golf specific exercises that will add power to your golf swing!

Tags: eBook power tremendous power exercise
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