Instructional Video Introduction
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Tags: Beau Rials  Bob Koch  Mike Bennet  Medicus  top tips  make or break  takeaway  take away  hinge club  

Beau Rials introduces the Medicus Dual Hinge Driver, Drive Like a Pro Instructional Video. With Medicus inventor, Bob Koch, and the Medicus advisor, Mike Bennet, they will discuss and demonstrate the 6 "Make or Break" points.

From: Drive Like a Pro with Mark O'Meara & Medicus Inventor Bob Koch

Medicus offers you a chance to learn to drive like a pro with a private lesson from Mark O'Meara and Medicus inventor Bob Koch!


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Instructional Video Introduction
From: Drive Like a Pro with Mark O'Meara & Medicus Inventor Bob Koch
Beau Rials introduces the Medicus Dual Hinge Driver, Drive Like a Pro Instructional Video. With Medicus inventor, Bob Koch, and the Medicus advisor, Mike Bennet, they will discuss and demonstrate the 6 "Make or Break" points.

Tags: Beau Rials Bob Koch Mike Bennet Medicus top tips make or break takeaway take away hinge club
"Make or Break" - Point 1: Take Away
From: Drive Like a Pro with Mark O'Meara & Medicus Inventor Bob Koch
Mike Bennet, Medicus advisor, demonstrates "Make or Break" Point #1, Take Away, with the help of Medicus inventor, Bob Koch. Bennet discusses the correct way to take the club away.

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