Touch You Can Take to the Bank
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Geoff Mangum explains how touch, putting's most important skill, works for all players. (PDF)

From: Geoff Mangum's Brain Science (PDFs)

Geoff Mangum strongly believes in the role brain science plays in putting and golf. Here you will find fantastic resources to further understand his philosophies and how to put them into practice! (PDFs)


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Touch You Can Take to the Bank
From: Geoff Mangum's Brain Science (PDFs)
Geoff Mangum explains how touch, putting's most important skill, works for all players. (PDF)

Tags: puttingzone geoff mangum pdf touch 4 skills aim distance contro brain science
Touch Timing - Putting's Most Important Skill
From: Geoff Mangum's Brain Science (PDFs)
For the past twenty years, Geoff Mangum has explored how touch in putting works at the level of brain-body instinctive and conscious processes for perception and movement. Of the 4 skills of putting, touch is by far the most important to scoring in golf. The bottom line: Touch is timing not feel. (PDF)

Tags: puttingzone geoff mangum pdf touch 4 skills aim distance contro brain science
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