Keeping a Steady Head
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Tags: chuck evans  webinar  medicus  fundamentals  stationary head  steady head  head  handicap  ball position  center  pivot  sliding  hips  upper torso  

Chuck Evans discusses why it is important to keep a steady head in golf, where moving the as few things as possible in the smallest amount of space is the goal.

From: Webinar Archive - 5 Fundamentals that Every Player Needs : #2 A Steady Head

In this webinar, filmed at the Gold Canyon Golf Resort, Arizona, Chuck Evans continues his discussion and demonstration of the five fundamentals that every player needs, this time focusing on the steady or stationary head.


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Keeping a Steady Head
From: Webinar Archive - 5 Fundamentals that Every Player Needs : #2 A Steady Head
Chuck Evans discusses why it is important to keep a steady head in golf, where moving the as few things as possible in the smallest amount of space is the goal.

Tags: chuck evans webinar medicus fundamentals stationary head steady head head handicap ball position center pivot sliding hips upper torso
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