The Divergence Between the Face Angle & the Path
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Tags: chuck evans  webinar  medicus  5 fundamentals  fundamentals  club face control  controlling the club face  clubface control  club face  clubface  divergence  face angle  curve  club path  path  closed face  lay back  open face  downswing  impact  square face  

Chuck Evans explains how the divergence between the face angle and the path affects the curve of the ball, and how both the club path and the club face need to be pointed at the target.

From: Webinar Archive - 5 Fundamentals that Every Player Needs: #5 Controlling the Club Face

In this month's webinar, filmed at the Gold Canyon Golf Resort, Arizona, Chuck Evans finished his discussion and demonstration of the five fundamentals that every player needs, finally focusing on the last in the series, Controlling the Club Face.


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